Swiss Review 3/2018
5 Swiss Review / May 2018 / No.3 Fritz Osterwalder and the protests of 1968 – 50 years on As a Swiss of a similar generation to Professor Osterwalder but living in Britain I remember the events of that time well. In Cambridge in the late 1970swe pushed the University to start child care for staff and students through petitions, marches and occupations. The radical move- ment was democratic, socialist and feminist. I disagree with Fritz that if there had been a revolution it would have been un- democratic, chaotic and totalitarian. The revolutions in Rus- sia and China took place in societies with very deep poverty and oppression andwere opposed violently by internal and ex- ternal forces that were recognizably fascist. There is no reason to suppose that the same trajectorywould have been followed in Europe. GREG KASER, UNITED KINGDOM Secret ideas factory. The hydrogen-powered lorry from Switzerland Fantastic that the Swiss have come up with this! I know that hydrogen is the fuel of the future. The sooner we get more hydrogen fueled vehicles the bet- ter the world will be. I have thought about this for well over 20 years. Every city, town and village has to have electricity and water so hy- drogen can be produced everywhere. It can also be produced during low peak electricity hours and stored. The pollution is distilledwater!Who can arguewith that? Probably the oil com- panies, the biggest polluters of the world! JOHN BOSSHARD, USA Interesting to hear about hydrogen powerwhich seems to have been supplanted in development terms by electric or battery power. If we can get over the initial development and produc- tion costs it looks to be a better solution than just electric bat- terieswhich looks to be storing up problems for the futurewith a huge problem being what to do with spent batteries. MORITZ STEIGER, UNITED KINGDOM It is a shame that this technology will not survive as it is too complex. It is hard to imagine that “filling up” in this way at home or on longer journeys is feasible. The technology and infrastructure are much too expensive compared with elec- tricity. JEN LE GRAND, CANADA Mailbag Swiss aid in Libya. CHF 1 million for the coastguard As long as no or only poor economic, so- cial and hygiene-related infrastruc- ture exists in the African countries, therewill be no positive outlook for the future. Peoplewill flee to places where they can hope for a better life. Everything else is just a pipe dream. After all, this continent has been exploited for centuries and proper development has been avoided. Put simply, a huge amount of money is needed to help develop the above-mentioned infrastructure. Thismust happen as quickly as possible as Africa’s population is set to double over the next 40 years. I cannot imagine what lies in store for merry old Europe then. ERWIN BALLI-BAUTISTA, SPAIN Hochalpines Institut Ftan - - HIF.CH Le n &Disc Camp 15th - 28th July 2018 2 weeks in Engadine Afternoon : Adventure, excursions Sports Culture Morning : Language workshops (German and English) for teens aged 11-16