Swiss Review 5/2018
SWISS REVIEW “SWISS REVIEW” – THE APP IS JUST THREE CLICKS AWAY! Get “Swiss Review” free as an app! It’s really easy: 1. Open the store on your smartphone or tablet. 2. Enter the search term “Swiss Review”. 3. Tap on install – all done! SWISS REVIEV The magazine for the Swiss Abroad September 2018 SWISS REVIEV Themagazine for theSwissAbroad September2018 In Swiss schoolrooms big changes are taking place Compact cities spare the land, but not always the nerves A contract child’s childhood: Despite reparation, scars remain InSwissschoolrooms bigchangesare takingplace Compactcitiesspare the land, butnotalways thenerves Acontractchild’schildhood: Despitereparation,scarsremain MIET-PW, MIET-Camper, MIET-4x4 Ilgauto ag, 8500 Frauenfeld 200 Autos, 40 Modelle, ab Fr. 500.-/MT inkl. 2000Km Tel. 0041 52 7203060 / 6111