Swiss Review 1/2019
Swiss Review / January 2019 / No.1 20 Politics ity of the SVP and FDP in the Federal Council with the centre-left side, con- sisting of two members of the SP and CVP Federal Councillor Leuthard. The SVP regardedBurkhalter as unreliable and he also came under increasing pressure from his own party, which is why his resignation was a logical con- sequence. The right-wing conservative ori- entation of the Federal Council thus remains intact. Nevertheless, it can- not be ruled out that a surprising dy- namic might develop within the gov- erning body. Both newly elected politicians are considered to be will- ing to compromise, particularly Karin Keller-Sutter. At least she has no prob- lems working with the other parties: she has established awell-functioning working relationship in the Council of Stateswith the other Council of States member from St. Gallen, the left-lean- ing Social Democrat Paul Rechsteiner. Distribution of departments not very harmonious The distribution of departments did not go as smoothly as the elections. Two rounds of discussions among the seven members of the Federal Coun- cil were required, followed by a vote in the newly formed national govern- ment. This procedure suggests a rather contentious debate. Viola Amherd (CVP) is the first woman to head the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), while Karin Keller-Sutter (FDP) will be in charge of the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP). Guy Parme- lin (SVP), the former head of theDDPS, will join the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Re- search (EAER), while Simonetta Som- maruga (SP), the former federal min- ister of justice, will take over the Federal Department of the Environ- ment, Transport, Energy andCommu- nications (DETEC). With Federal Councillor Alain Berset, the SP is able to keep the weighty Federal Department of Home Affairs and simultaneously take over the diverse infrastructure depart- ment DETEC. The EAER, which the SVP will inherit, is the department that plays a key role in European pol- icy, among other things. Together with Ignazio Cassis (FDP), who will remain in charge of foreign affairs, Minister for Economic Affairs Guy Parmelin will play a key role in shap- ing Switzerland’s position in Europe and the world. Ueli Maurer (SVP) will also stay in charge of the Federal De- partment of Finance. The CVP, which only has one seat in the Federal Coun- cil, will have to copewith losing some of its importance following the depar- ture of Doris Leuthard, the current head of the DETEC, since the Depart- ment of Defence is not considered one of the key departments. At least the CVP is able to retain an important function in the highest state author- ity with Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr. Karin Keller-Sutter FDP politician Karin Keller-Sutter (*1963) from St. Gallen is a translator and conference inter- preter. She completed her postgraduate studies and obtained teaching qualifications for voca- tional secondary schools. She began her politi- cal career in Wil, where she worked as a local councillor from 1992 to 2000. From 1996 to 2000 she was also a member of the Cantonal Council of St. Gallen and between 1997 and 2000 President of the FDP of the Canton of St. Gallen. In 2000, Karin Keller-Sutter was elected to the Cantonal Council and served as head of the Department of Security and Justice. As the President of the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Justice and Police, she entered the national limelight for the first time. She has been a member of the Council of States since 2011 and presided over it in 2017/18. (JM) Viola Amherd The CVP politician Viola Amherd (*1962) from Valais is a lawyer. Until her election to the Federal Council, she was an independent law- yer and notary in Brig. From 1996 to 2006, she was a part-time judge in the Federal Personnel Appeals Commission. She began her political career in 1993 in the city government of Brig- Glis. From 2001 to 2012, she was Mayor of the city in the upper part of the canton of Valais. In 2005 she joined the National Council to re- place Jean-Michel Cina. She was a member of the National Council’s Transport and Telecom- munications Committee and the Legal Affairs Committee. She was also a member of the Na- tional Council office and Vice-President of the CVP parliamentary group in the Federal As- sembly. She was part of the leadership of the upper Valais section of the CVP. (JM)