Swiss Review 1/2019
Swiss Review / January 2019 / No.1 Networking as the key to success, Singapore Networking is and will remain an important success factor at work. In my capacity as the President of the Swiss Association of Singapore, I regularly experience how important it is to build a good and broad network. Especially when moving abroad, it is important to establish personal and professional contacts as quickly as possible. New members of the Swiss Association often ask me for help finding a job in Singapore. In my opinion, networking is almost always the key. Open positions are increasingly disseminated within our own network and are often filled before they are officially advertised. This clearly shows how important it is to have and maintain a good network. Young Swiss Citizen Celebration in New York, USA Plenty of information on rights, duties, democratic co-determi nation, training and studying awaited the 25 young Swiss Abroad who took part in the Young Swiss Citizen Celebration of the Con- sulate General of Switzerland in New York last autumn. During the celebration in the Big Apple, representatives of the consulate and of Swissnex talked about some of the interesting aspects of being citizens of Switzerland. How does one take part in a federal vote? How can Swiss universities be so affordable and yet world- class? How can one travel throughout Europe on a Swiss pass- port without a visa? Such questions shaped the many stimulating discussions. Young Swiss Citizen Celebrations such as this one enable good networking amongst peers while strengthening ties to the Swiss homeland which is part of the young people's own identity. That is the general idea behind the Young Swiss Citizen Celebrations that have been taking place in New York for some years now. Simone Flubacher: Delegate for Relations with the Swiss Abroad Stephan Winkler: Research Associate Sophie Dettwiler: University intern Priska Ekerue: Deputy Head 27 modern digital networked custom- er-focused By the deadline for this edition, no new federal popular initiatives had been launched. The list of pending popular initiatives canbe found on thewebsite of the Federal Chancellery, under “Politische Rechte / Volk- sinitiativen / Hängige Volksinitiativen”. Responsible for the FDFA official communications: Simone Flubacher, Relations with the Swiss Abroad Effingerstrasse 27, 3003 Berne, Switzerland Tel. +41 800 24 7 365 or +41 58 465 33 33, email: