Revue Suisse 3/2020
Revue Suisse / Juin 2020 / N°3 ©Alessandra Bezzola Les services consulaires partout, facilement accessibles depuis vos appareils mobiles Montréal (2020) Vins suisses pour l‘Europe Schweizer Weine für Europa Anz ei ge 94.5x29.25.indd 2 07.04.20 0 8:18 More than 200 artists took part in the creation of a new text of the Swiss national anthem. The new hymn text to the traditional melody is based on the Swiss core values expressed in the preamble of the Swiss Federal Constitution. As 500,000 Swiss abroad and residents in Switzerland are native English spea- kers, the new text has been translated not only into the four official Swiss languages but also into English. All Swiss clubs are invited to sing the new hymnal text at their federal celebrations on August 1. More information can be found at: As soon as the new hymn text is known enough, the Swiss electorate will be asked to determine it. The creation of the new text is an initiative of the Swiss Society for the Common Good that donated the Rütli meadow to the Swiss people and promotes social cohesion in Switzerland. New text for the Swiss national anthem White cross on a shining red, woven by a common thread: freedom, independence, equality. Open to the world in solidarity, Swiss are one in peace and diversity. Free are we who freely speak, strong as we protect the weak. White cross on a shining red, sign of Switzerland, the path we tread. Inserat Auslandschweizer_042020.indd 1 06.04.2020 12:30:59 Solutions d’assurances internationales maladie de 1ère classe , pour les expatriés suisses , les voyageurs et les employés mobiles . +41 43 399 89 89 Swiss Made Partenaires de SwissCommunity: C’est surtout maintenant, en cette période de crise du coronavirus, que l ’Organisation des Suisses de l ’ étranger (OSE) pense aux Suisses de l ’ étranger dans le monde entier. Nous continuons à vous offrir conseils et soutien pendant cette période. Restez en bonne santé.