Panorama Suizo 4/2020
OSA/SwissCommunity partners: Especially now during the corona crisis, the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) is thinking of the Swiss Abroad all over the world. We continue to offer you advice and support during this period. Stay safe. N0 to the radical termination initiative kü On the 27th of September, the SVP’s termination initiative will be voted upon. If adopted, it would force Switzerland to end the free movement of persons with the EU. This would mean both permanent isolation and permanent restriction of our freedom of movement. In addition, the initiative automat- ically leads to the termination of all Bilateral I agreements without offering any viable alternative. In view of the current economic crisis and the legal situation of the Swiss living abroad in Europe, this is more than irresponsible. weltoffen liberal ed avert libéral et ouvert au monde liberal and open to the world liberal liberali e Freiheit Coesione Cohésion Liberté Gemeinsinn Libertà Innovation Progresso und aperti al mondo Fortschritt 1848 Cohésion VAL_RZ_1_Eco_Kuendigungsinitiative_Text_Inserat_194x132_dfie.indd 4 19.06.20 10:17