Swiss Review 5/2020

Swiss Review / September 2020 / No.5 6 Focus SUSANNE WENGER 5G stands for the fifth and latest gen- eration of mobile technology. It can transmit even greater volumes of data than the 4G technology currently used in Switzerland. Each new wire- less generation creates additional pos- sibilities – something that has always gone down well with consumers. Rel- ative to other populations, the Swiss spend a lot ofmoney on digital devices that offer the mobile internet connec- tivity required to stream music and films, conduct video calls, and use apps. Switzerlandwas also an interna- tional front-runner when the govern- ment began auctioning 5G frequen- cies in early 2019. According to the regulatory au- thority that issued the relevant li- cences, 5G is “vitally important” in driving digitalisation across the coun- try. Three companies were awarded li- cences: Sunrise, Salt and the semi-pub- lic market leader Swisscom. Together, they paid the government a total of 380 million Swiss francs for the priv- ilege. For SwisscomCEOUrs Schaeppi this technological upgrade is neces- sary due to the growing use of wire- less networks (a twofold increase every 18months). “We need to expand the network now before data bottle- necks become an issue,” he says. Switzerland – a tech pioneer 5G is also seen as key to boosting in- novation in Switzerland. Those who champion 5G laud its ultra-high- speed and over-the-air data trans- mission capabilities that enable re- al-time connectivity between remote The divisive issue of mobile 5G The federal government and Swiss telecommunication companies have ambitious plans to roll out the new standard in wireless connectivity. Not everyone in Switzerland is happy. Opposition is building in a country normally known for its tech credentials. By Max Spring, the “Swiss Review” cartoonist