Swiss Review 1/2024

Switzerland – a nation of settled people and places in shadow 9.5 % The Swiss are becoming more settled: the number of people moving home is lower than it has been for a long time. Only 9.5% of the population moved in 2022. It’s easy to see why: there is a lack of rental apartments on the market. And these are often prohibitively expensive. Source: Federal Statistical Office 15 Something almost unbelievable is going on under the radar: Switzerland is sinking. Several large areas have sunk by up to 15 centimetres within a few years, such as Linth plain (GL). However, the experts see no cause for concern: the areas affected were extensively drained in the 19th and 20th centuries. Those water corrections are still making their presence felt. Source: Swisstopo 287 On the subject of water: good news! Consumption of drinking water has fallen by 21 per cent in Switzerland since 1990. Current consumption is 287 litres per person. N.B.: that’s 287 litres per day. That puts a different perspective on it. Source: Federal Statistical Office 106 There are places in Switzerland that are beautiful, but no-one wants to move there. This is because they don’t get the sun during the winter. For example, Emmetten (NW) has been overshadowed by the nearby mountains since 30 October – and will remain so until 13 February 2024. That makes 106 days, more than a quarter of a year. And there are many more such ‘shadow locations’ in Switzerland: Cadenazzo (TI), Glis (VS), Hergiswil (NW), Oberterzen (SG) and Vicosoprano (GR), to name but a few. Source: MeteoSwiss 44 % Switzerland has surveys and studies on almost everything. A new study based on the hypothesis ‘House pets make people happy’ concludes that 44% of Swiss have a dog-friendly workplace. And 70% of all respondents see that as a sign of a progressive corporate culture. The study was incidentally commissioned by… a dog food retailer. Source: Mars Schweiz/iVox FIGURES COMPILED BY MARC LETTAU “Swiss Review”, the magazine for the Swiss Abroad, is in its 49th year of publication and is published six times a year in German, French, English and Spanish in 13 regional editions. It has a total circulation of 431,000, including 253,000 electronic copies. “Swiss Review”’s regional news is published four times a year. The ordering parties are fully responsible for the content of advertisements and promotional inserts. This content does not necessarily represent the opinion of either the editorial office or the publisher. All Swiss Abroad who are registered with a Swiss representation receive the magazine free of charge. Anyone else can subscribe for an annual fee (Switzerland: CHF 30 / Abroad: CHF 50). ONLINE EDITION EDITORS Marc Lettau, Editor-in-Chief (MUL) Stéphane Herzog (SH) Theodora Peter (TP) Susanne Wenger (SWE) Paolo Bezzola (PB, FDFA representative) FDFA OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS The editorial responsibility for the “Notes from the Federal Palace” section is assumed by the Consular Directorate, Innovation and Partnerships, Effinger- strasse 27, 3003 Berne, Switzerland. | EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Nema Bliggenstorfer (NB) TRANSLATION SwissGlobal Language Services AG, Baden LAYOUT Joseph Haas, Zurich PRINT Vogt-Schild Druck AG, Derendingen PUBLISHER The “Swiss Review” is published by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA). The postal address of the publisher, the editorial office and advertising department is: Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, Alpenstrasse 26, 3006 Berne. Phone: +41 31 356 61 10 Bank details: CH97 0079 0016 1294 4609 8 / KBBECH22 COPY DEADLINE FOR THIS EDITION 13 December 2023 CHANGES OF ADDRESS Please advise your local embassy or consulate. The editorial team cannot access your address and administrative data. Thank you. Imprint Swiss Review / January 2024 / No.1 17 Switzerland in figures