Swiss Review 2/2024

© Consular services anywhere, conveniently on your mobile devices Kuala Lumpur (2023) For a sustainable future for the Fifth Switzerland With a bequest, you make it possible for the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad to continue to support and represent the rights of the Swiss Abroad. Scan the QR code and discover the programme. Secure your place now for festive and authentic moments! Registration open Together across borders Congress of the Swiss Abroad from 11 to 13 July 2024 in Lucerne image : ©Luzern Tourismus Our partners: Read it instead of waiting. Is your printed copy of “Swiss Review” overdue again? You can pick up the magazine on your tablet or smartphone. The app is free of charge and contains no advertising. You can find the app by searching for “Swiss Review” in your App Store. SWISS REVIEW  At vero eos et accusamus: dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis Et harum quidem rerum facilis: Mest et expedita distinctio Temporibus autem quibusdam: Autofficiis debitis aut perfere MARCH 2024 The magazine for the Swiss Abroad