Swiss Review 4/2024

Notes from the Federal Palace Swiss citizens living abroad 813 400 375 100 Average age 40 years 45 years 438 300 By sex Swiss citizens living abroad as a percentage of all Swiss citizens 2023 11,1% 2013 10,6% 2003 9,5% The most common countries of residence (including dependent territories outside the mainland) France 209 300 Germany 99 600 United States 83 700 Italy 52 000 Canada 41 500 United Kingdom 40 200 Spain 26 500 Australia 26 400 Israel 23 700 Austria 18 400 Swiss citizens living abroad by sex and age group 65 years or older 0 –17 years 18 – 64 years 20% 27% 23% 19% 57% 54% 75% Swiss abroad with multiple citizenships Percentage of Swiss citizens living abroad by continent of residence 64% 16% 2% 4% 7% 7% Source: FSO – Population and Households Statistics (STATPOP), Statistics on the Swiss Abroad (SE-Stat) © FSO 2024 Swiss citizens living abroad 01 Population 2023 gi-d- On 31 December 2023, 813,400 Swiss nationals were registered with a competent Swiss representation abroad: 1.7% more than in 2022. Numbers are on the rise in most continents: in Asia (up by 3.1%), in Europe (up by 1.9%), in Oceania (up by 1.2%), in North America (up by 1.0%) and in Latin America and the Caribbean (up by 0.4%). In Africa, the number was lower (down 0.2%). Swiss expatriates’ favourite countries on each continent Of the 813,400 Swiss Abroad, 520,700 live in Europe (64%). The largest community of Swiss Abroad is in France (209,300). This community alone represents over one quarter of Swiss Abroad. Around 292,700 Swiss nationals are spread out over the other continents: 16% in North America, 7% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 7% in Asia, 4% in Oceania and 2% in Africa. The largest community of the Swiss Abroad outside Europe is in North America, in the US to be precise, where 83,700 Swiss people or one in ten Swiss Abroad live. In the Latin America and Caribbean region, Argentina is the country with the most Swiss people (15,100, or 2% of all Swiss Abroad). Of Swiss people in Argentina 95% hold multiple nationalities (as against 75% of all Swiss Abroad). In Asia, Israel has the largest Swiss commu- Further information: The Swiss are in every continent, especially Europe At the end of 2023, there were 813,400 Swiss nationals living abroad. Almost two-thirds of them were living in Europe and over a quarter were in France, but there are also plenty of Swiss on the other continents. The following statistics on the Swiss Abroad were published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). nity (23,700), representing 3% of Swiss Abroad. A breakdown of the community in Israel by age shows a very large proportion of young people: 46% of Swiss there are aged under 18 (as against 21% for all Swiss Abroad). In Oceania, the Swiss community is mainly located in Australia (26,400, or 3% of Swiss Abroad), whereas in Africa they are mostly in South Africa (7,700, or 1% of the total number of Swiss Abroad). (FSO) 34 Swiss Review / July 2024 / No.4