Swiss Review 4/2024

SwissCommunity Complex politics made simple To explain complex proposals submitted to the vote of the people in a straightforward way: that is the aim of the new webinar series set up by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) and its partner easyvote. The first webinar was on 14 May. There were two sessions – one in French and one in German – to present the voting papers for 9 June in a neutral way. The new programme is designed to help increase participation by Swiss Abroad in federal popular votes. The first webinar was recorded and can be viewed on our website. The next webinars in cooperation with easyvote on federal proposals submitted to the vote of the people are on 27 August and 29 October 2024. Furthermore, the 4th Congress for young Swiss Abroad is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 September. YANNICK ACTIS, YOUTH SERVICE, Whitsun holiday camp for children aged eight to 14 The Jublasurium national camping event run by Jungwacht Blauring – a children’s and youth organisation similar to the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement – takes place next year from 7 to 9 June 2025 over the long Whitsun holiday weekend. A delegation from the Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad (SJAS) visited the Swiss National Jamboree (mova) two years ago. As was the case at mova, 25 young Swiss Abroad aged eight to 14 will also represent the SJAS at the three-day Jublasurium. Participants will be able to meet many children from Switzerland and take unforgettable memories home with them. Visit to sign up for the camp. It is recommended that participants have at least a basic knowledge of German, because Jungwacht Blauring is only active in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Further details about the Jublasurium: More information on Jungwacht Blauring: Why did you choose to go on one of this summer’s camps in the first place? This year’s participants gave us a variety of answers. One of our respondents, Luna, has good memories of her last camp. “My first camp was the Swiss Trip 2022. I enjoyed it so much that I just had to go on a youth camp as well,” she says. Charles-Antoine, meanwhile, has his own future plans in mind: “The camp I chose gives me the chance take part in the 100th Congress of the Swiss Abroad, which is a key event for me ahead of my degree course in politics.” For Aurelio and Sanja, on the other hand, the camp dates, the travel route and the number of participants were the main considerations. How did participants feel when they heard they had been accepted? Aurelio, for one, was delighted. “I couldn’t sleep for a few nights,” he says. “We only have 24 participants in our Swiss Challenge 1 camp, which is perfect. I am looking forward to getting to know the culture and languages of my native country. It’s really exciting.” Luna was just as euphoric: “I’m so grateful for the opportunity. And so happy and relieved that my friends will also be at the camp with me!” Excitement and anticipation You have signed up for one of this summer’s youth camps run by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. What are your thoughts? And what do you want to get out of your trip to Switzerland? Here are some of the answers you gave us. And finally, what expectations, experiences or thoughts do they want to share with future camp participants? Here are a few examples from our mixed bag of answers. “It’s about immersing yourself in Switzerland’s culture and language. I now want to continue learning French and also start learning Italian.” – “I would like to learn how to cook a traditional Swiss dish so that I can make it for my friends in Thailand.” – “I’m grateful Youth Service of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad, Alpenstrasse 26, 3006 Berne, Switzerland Tel. +41 31 356 61 25 For Charles-Antoine, the Youth Service’s summer camp is synonymous with intercultural encounters and experiencing the diversity of Switzerland. Photo provided Foundation for Young Swiss Abroad (FYSA) Email: / “It’s all about diving into our Swiss culture and the languages of Switzerland.” The response from a participant as to what she was expecting from the 2024 summer camp. for this amazing opportunity and can hardly wait to go! À bientôt!” We’ll leave the last word to Charles-Antoine: “I cannot stress enough how important it is to meet people from other cultures and explore your own country. Taking part in a camp like this offers us a valuable opportunity to celebrate our Swiss identity while widening our horizons and developing a deeper appreciation of our country’s rich heritage and cultural diversity. The experience promises to be both enriching and unforgettable.” YANNICK ACTIS, YOUTH SERVICE 36 Swiss Review / July 2024 / No.4