massive demand. Now, ironically, they have had the brakes slammed on by the Swiss transport minister: Federal Councillor Albert Rösti (SVP) has blocked the 30 million Swiss francs that was to have subsidised night trains from 2025 onwards. This measAs though nothing had happened: the throng at the Swiss airline check-in counter (2023). Photo: Keystone hotels in Switzerland, a 33 per cent increase over the previous year. Travellers from Great Britain were also numerous once again (+ 23.6 per cent). Visitor numbers from the Gulf states have been rising steadily for years. Travel from China witnessed another dramatic surge, rising by over 300 percent between 2022 and 2023. The growing numbers of visitors to Switzerland have reignited discussions of “overtourism”. A study published in summer 2024 by Switzerland Tourism and the Conference of Regional Tourism Directors of Switzerland showed that tourism centres in particular were taking the problematic aspect of (mass) tourism seriously: littering, harm to wildlife and the environment, shortages of accommodation, traffic disruptions and a certain lack of respect from tourists were all evoked. However, according to Switzerland Tourism, international tour operators are already warning of a cooldown. Apparently, the money that guests from the US had put aside during the pandemic for overseas travel is gradually running out. sharply to this “undermining of rail transport as a sustainable alternative”, and an attempt was made to question the legality of the decision. In the end, parliament adopted the new CO2 Act, which includes the subsidy for night trains. This Act will come into force in January and governs climate policy until 2030. However, if Rösti’s decision is upheld, the new night train connections from Switzerland to Rome and Barcelona will remain, at least for the time being, wishful thinking. Switzerland as a destination Switzerland itself is a popular travel destination. Industry organisation Switzerland Tourism has described the almost 42 million overnight hotel stays in 2023 as an “all-time high” and is relieved to report that Swiss tourism has recovered since the Covid pandemic. A glance at the countries of origin of these travellers shows that, alongside South-East Asia, it was primarily guests from the United States who contributed to this record. They spent over 3 million nights staying in Flying is not the only mode of transport on the up. Rail travel is also popular. Financing, however, for night trains in particular, is proving a challenge. ure is part of the extensive savings programme planned by the Federal Council to restructure the national budget (see also the “Review” of October 2024). Left-wing, Green and centrist federal parliamentarians reacted Swiss Review / December 2024 / No.6 25