neiter was also shocked to see her parliamentary motion to improve health insurance cover for the Swiss Abroad rejected. This does not bode well. “Because I am sure the measure would have even helped the government save money.” The examples above reflect an indifference to the interests of the Swiss Abroad, which National Councillor Barbara Gysi (SP, canton of St Gallen) has also noticed among voters. “Generally, I would say the public don’t think about the ‘Fifth Switzerland’ very often.” “Spongers” Indifference is bad. Accusations of freeloading are worse. Before the vote on the 13th OASI pension payment (see “Swiss Review 3/2024”), the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” (NZZ) referred to the “spongers” abroad who, unlike domestic taxpayers, are happy to receive a bigger pension without helping to cover the additional costs. The NZZ also asked whether it actually makes any sense for someone to keep their voting rights regardless of how long they remain abroad. Switzerland’s “ambassadors abroad” are suddenly meant to be fleecing the state? National Councillor Laurent Wehrli (FDP, canton of Vaud) is appalled by the rhetoric, agreeing that attitudes towards the Swiss Abroad appear to be deteriorating. National Councillor Nicolas Walder (Greens, canton of Geneva) calls it “shocking and demeaning”. “Do they think the money paid out to Swiss Abroad is lost money?” he says, adding that it was unfortunate that the SVP took a “very nationalistic view” of citizenship. Anyone who has lived abroad for a prolonged period of time was being put in a bad light. “They are Swiss” National Councillor Jean-Luc Addor (SVP, canton of Valais) would beg to differ, at least from what he sees and hears. “No, the Swiss Abroad are not second-class Swiss. They are Swiss.” He disagrees with his counterparts across the parliament floor who say that the mood has turned against the “Fifth Switzerland”. We should avoid putting undue strain on the relationship between the Swiss Abroad and their compatriots at home, he warns. The government’s cost-cutting plans for swissinfo are a step too far, in his opinion. This is an interesting stance to take for someone who is involved in the “200 francs is enough” initiative to slash the annual SRG SSR radio and television licence fee for private households. Addor explains that he wants SRG SSR to concentrate solely on its basic mandate, of which catering to a foreign-based audience is part. “Hands off swissinfo,” he says. All the politicians we talked to agree on one thing, i.e. that reports in the media about rich Swiss pensioners abroad sunning themselves by the pool have fuelled the “freeloading” narrative. “We often assume that the Swiss Abroad are able to enjoy a better quality of life outside Switzerland with the money available to them,” says Gysi. “Unfortunately, we seem to forget that many who emigrate at retirement age do so because of financial pressures after having contributed to our society for their entire working lives.” Gysi finds attempts to cut social security for the Swiss Abroad particularly hard to swallow. The National Council voting to abolish child pensions is one such step – and another example of expats taking the rap. Nearly a third of child pensions are paid abroad, was one of the arguments made in parliament. The “Tages-Anzeiger” reported Read more – and join the debate Visit to read further quotes from the six politicians mentioned in this article. Readers can contribute to the debate by submitting their own comments. that child pensions were being drawn particularly often in Thailand, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. The paper failed to mention that this only related to a small number of fathers in absolute terms, and that the amounts paid in Switzerland far exceeded those abroad. Schneider-Schneiter can only shake her head. “If moving abroad becomes less attractive, Swiss firms with subsidiaries abroad will soon be unable to recruit any more people from Switzerland,” she says. Business leaders need to be aware of this, she is at pains to point out whenever she is abroad. FDP politician Andrea Caroni (canton of Appenzell-Ausserrhoden) takes a more critical view of the Swiss Abroad and has made various interpellations on the issue of lifelong voting rights. “It makes no sense that people who have never lived in Switzerland or have no intention of returning are entitled to vote here, while foreigners who are very well integrated into Swiss life are deprived of a voice on matters than directly affect them,” he told swissinfo back in 2019. Caroni is currently keeping his counsel in his role as this year’s president of the Council of States. Parliamentary tradition dictates that anyone who chairs the upper chamber must keep their political views a little more private. Swiss Review / January 2025 / No.1 29